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ABMP Podcasts for Massage Therapists & Bodyworkers

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Exploring the issues and challenges unique to the massage and bodywork community.

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What’s the difference between coaching, counseling, and psychotherapy? Using the framework of coaching requires presence, deep listening, and curiosity, which is a transferable skill for massage therapists.

The mix of money, business, and family can be tricky. Business or Pressure host Allissa Haines provides some tips to add structure and avoid resentment in these potentially awkward situations. 

A person with rheumatoid arthritis and lupus develops new back pain in her mid-upper left side. First, it’s diagnosed as arthritis, but interventions don’t seem to make a difference.

The Greater Omentum is one of the cooler parts of our anatomy. So cool, in fact, that it is deserving of superhero status. Allison unveils what she believes its superhero name should be.

Emergency funds are for emergencies, but how do we save for planned time away from our businesses? Allissa Haines walks through the process of saving money for a leave of absence. 

Dr. David Simons and Moshe Feldenkrais - two well known names in the massage and bodywork field. Who were these pioneers in the bodywork profession and what can we learn from their origins?

Darren Buford is joined by Cal Cates, founder of Healwell, to discuss the concept of co-regulation in therapeutic relationships and how to balance a welcoming and friendly atmosphere while maintaining professionalism.

Sometimes, we overvalue the time, energy, or money we put into a project, which clouds our decision-making. Business or Pressure host Allissa Haines talks about the sunk cost trap—and how to avoid it.

A client uses fentanyl patches to manage chronic pain from a back injury. What kind of risk does this present to the therapist? Let's take another look.

The thumb seems to live in its own reality. It is like a digit that has gone rogue and understanding its plane of existence can help how you approach this funny piece of anatomy.

Small, practical adjustments help your massage business run more efficiently, so you take home more of the money you earn.

Have you ever noticed how clients talk about their pain? All too often people express negativity and even outright anger toward their bodies, which is counterproductive to healing.