Since we have been using ABMP Exam Coach as a major part of our massage program, our students have experienced a major step up in successfully passing the MBLEx exam. Our students are getting online and staying online ”this equals success! ”Jeniffer, Madison School of Massage, Alabama

Help Students Pass the MBLEx the First Time
ABMP Exam Coach is an interactive and fun online test prep that serves as a useful study buddy throughout a massage training program. Created by instructional designers, this is the best MBLEx test prep available, and can help reduce the level of test anxiety experienced by many first-time MBLEx test takers.

Soft-Skill Building Made Easy
We know massage and bodywork students don't always enter your program with the communication, time-management, and study skills they need to succeed. Enter the FREE ABMP Student Life resource center. It's full of skill-building study aids, time-management resources, massage tips and technique videos, ABMP's Website Builder to integrate with business courses, and an opportunity to win $5,000 for your students and your school.

Tailored to Real-Life School Needs
Distance-learning resources, curriculum support, liability insurance for your school and students, online courses for instructors, and inspiration at the ABMP School Forum. We've been here for 25+ years, helping you solve the challenges facing your school community, and we'll continue learning how to help by listening to you.

A Special Thank-You to Instructors
For all of the instructors out there, we acknowledge the passion and dedication you pour into your work by offering a special $24 discount on our professional memberships. Pair that with Cornerstones: The ABMP Instructor Development Program, and you'll see that ABMP has your back!
Contact your ABMP Education Team at 800-458-2267 or for more information.
Online access to ABMP's Student Success Curriculum, instructor training webinars, distance-learning resources, FREE student membership and insurance, and more.
$150 / SCHOOL
Everything included in Enhanced School Membership, plus discounted access to ABMP Exam Coach for your students, and school access to ABMP Exam Coach Tracker so that you can monitor students' study and test prep progress.
Our best-ever package for students and schools is the best way to set your students up for a successful career. This level includes everything you'd get from a Premier School Membership, plus discounted access to ABMP Five-Minute Muscles, and your students' first-year of ABMP professional membership FREE!
$120 / STUDENT