The Best MBLEx Test Prep Just Got Better.
ABMP Exam Coach is the most advanced, easy-to-use online MBLEx test prep in the massage & bodywork profession, and more than 30,000 students have trusted it to help them pass the MBLEx exam.
Now, ABMP is making it even easier to get everything students need to succeed in school and start a successful career with ABMP Exam Coach Plus!
Our best-ever package for massage students includes:
- ABMP Exam Coach: Our online MBLEx test prep program features unlimited quizzes and exams, 5,000+ flashcards, audio pronunciation of key terms, and more!
- ABMP Five-Minute Muscles: This dynamic new muscle review app puts actions, origins, insertions, and muscle-specific videos at your fingertips.
- ABMP Student Life: Helpful study resources to support you during school.
- ABMP Graduate Access: Continued support for up to 6 months between graduation and licensing.
- Your first year of ABMP Certified Membership, free: Our highest membership level includes professional liability insurance and the most benefits, discounts, and resources available!
All available with a helpful monthly payment option!
Your price: $10/monthfor 12 months
What is ABMP Five-Minute Muscles?

Covering the seven muscle regions and 83 muscles most often addressed by professional massage therapists, ABMP Five-Minute Muscles gives you origins, insertions, and actions at your fingertips, plus muscle-specific palpation and technique videos from master massage therapist Clint Chandler, and illustration and cadaver dissection videos from Dr. Joe Muscolino!
ABMP Five-Minute Muscles is intuitive, easy to use, and ready to support you in learning the muscles and starting your career.
With ABMP Five-Minute Muscles you can:
- Review actions, origins, and insertions while learning Anatomy & Physiology.
- Learn muscle-specific techniques and practice palpation skills along with the videos.
- Use the additional resources from Massage & Bodywork magazine to go more in-depth on any of the muscles.