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ABMP Podcasts for Massage Therapists & Bodyworkers

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Exploring the issues and challenges unique to the massage and bodywork community.

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Darren and Kristin are joined by Jason Erickson to explore Gate Control Theory and Dermoneuromodulation, two key concepts in pain science.

Money moves in and out of your business. Are you tracking it? Allissa walks through the what and how of cash flow, and how to get a grip on it.

Ruth Werner speaks with Rob Kelly about his observations on how easy it is to misunderstand how the body works and how these stories we tell ourselves can have negative consequences.

What exactly happens when a rib goes out? While it's not exactly hitting the club scene in Vegas, what happens is not so different from if it did.

Allissa Haines walks us through the process to set and achieve a reasonable financial goal for 2025 without the corporate jargon.

Active engagement techniques incorporate active client movement with specific massage treatment applications and can be applied to virtually any region of the body.

As a massage therapist, few things are more disheartening than hearing a client say their symptoms have returned. How should you approach this situation?

Inertia in business is powerful. Business or Pressure host Allissa Haines talks through how to embrace change to improve your next year in business.

A clear, ongoing written agreement of expectations is a great way to improve accountability and be a professional in every situation.

A client with Marfan syndrome, a connective tissue disorder with dysfunctional collagen, has had multiple surgeries for a traumatic accident and their scar tissue is restricting their ease of movement. How should their MT proceed?

In her last episode of the year, Allison invites you to look at learning anatomy differently. Channel your inner Ponyo. And don't stop trying.

Host Allissa Haines shares her plans to increase client numbers with old school methods like signage and referrals to tackling the tedium of SEO and website updates.