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Department of Inspections, Appeals, and Licensing
6200 Park Avenue, Suite 100
Des Moines, IA 50321 
Phone: 515-281-7689
Fax: 515-281-3121

> Website

Title: Licensed Massage Therapist
Requirement: 600 hours, and MBLEx or NCBTMB, CPR training
Renewal: 16 CEU hours/2 years
Min 8 hours hands-on

Iowa House File 188

In Iowa, House File 188 (HF188), has been introduced to remove the licensure requirement for massage therapists. It also expands the current law to penalize an individual or business who advertises or represents an unlicensed individual as being licensed.

Local Massage Regulation in Iowa

The Iowa Supreme Court  issued a recent opinion establishing that, under Iowa law, the unlicensed practice of massage does not rise to the level of a criminal misdemeanor. As a result, there have been increased efforts by many cities and towns in Iowa to enact local ordinances directed at massage therapy which may impact your practice. 

Iowa Massage Board Considers Reducing CE Hours

Prior to starting formal rulemaking action, the Iowa Board of Massage Therapy has issued Draft Pre-Notice Rule Changes that would reduce the number of hours of required continuing education (CE) from 24 hours every two years to 16 hours every two years. The proposal would also replace the category A and B requirements for CE with various categories of acceptable CE, and remove the CPR and First Aid requirements for both licensure and renewal. ABMP does not oppose a reduction in

No Changes to Iowa Education Requirement

Our last Iowa legislative update discussed 2012 HB 2126, which proposed to change the 600-hour massage education requirement for licensure in Iowa. HB 2126 did not pass, and has not been reintroduced. The 600 hour education requirement therefore remains in place in Iowa. We will keep you updated on future legislation affecting the massage profession in Iowa.

Iowa Bill would alter massage licensing education requirements

House Bill 2126, sponsored by Representative Matt W. Windschitl (R-District 56), is described as “an act relating to the education requirements of massage therapists.” The bill as currently drafted eliminates the education requirements for Iowa massage licensing; however, ABMP has learned that the current form of the bill is a draft and that the intent is to replace the education hours requirement (currently at 600) with language that would identify credits or competencies as the educational requirements.

Iowa Will Increase Entry-level Education Requirements

HF 593 was signed by Governor Branstad on 4/13/2011. The law increases the entry-level education required for licensure from 500 to 600 hours. However, educational requirements under this paragraph are subject to reduction by the board if, after public notice and hearing, the board determines that the welfare of the public may be adequately protected with fewer hours of education.


The Iowa Board of Massage Therapy is now accepting the Massage and Bodywork Licensing Exam (MBLEx) offered by the Federation of State Massage Therapy Boards (FSMTB: