A Massage Therapist's Guide to COVID-19

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Please refer to the most up-to-date posted information about COVID-19 at

The following blog post was originally posted by Ruth Werner on her Facebook page. Please refer to the most up-to-date information from Ruth Werner at www.abmp.com/updates/news/our-new-world-covid-19-march-16-update-abmp-and-ruth-werner.

1. Wash your hands using liquid soap. Then wash them again. Get between your fingers. Use a nail brush for your nails and cuticles. Now do it one more time. Use a paper towel to turn off the faucet and to touch the door to exit the bathroom.

2. Instead of shaking hands, consider touching elbows or feet when greeting someone.

3. If you have a fever (typically the first sign), cough, and shortness of breath, then stay home. Tell your clients if they have these signs--or if anyone in their house has them, stay home.

4. This is a good time for a hygiene audit of your office. Swab your doorknobs, light switches, countertops, and anything else you and your clients touch. Clean your cellphone daily. Wipe down your computer keyboard. If you use antiseptic wipes, READ THE DIRECTIONS--some of them require prolonged contact to be effective.

5. Get a flu shot. It will not protect you from COVID-19 but it will protect you from fever-producing flu.

6. Face masks, unless they're the N95 filter type, are not helpful against COVID-19. They do nothing to protect you from the virus. HOWEVER, if you are sick, they may help reduce the chance of you spreading the virus to others. They can also help you remember NOT to touch your face.

7. Use disposable tissues when you cough or sneeze. Dispose of them immediately, and wash your hands again.

8. If you think you've been near someone who might be infected, avoid touching your face, eyes, nose, or mouth until you can wash your hands.

9. Consider using nitrile gloves when you have to touch items that hundreds of other people have touched—gasoline dispensers, ATM machines, the PIN pad on the credit card machine at the grocery store, etc.

10. For more information, visit the CDC FAQ page: www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/faq.html

I hope this is helpful,




Hi Ruth,  what are you doing for money during this time?  Any ideas of what we should do?


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