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Checking In



Hurricane Sandy, which became “Super Storm Sandy,” is one of the most devastating natural disasters to strike the US, in particular because of its target—the Eastern seaboard of New Jersey and New York. The images and video of the storm’s effects are heart breaking. Like many of you, I have friends and/or family whose homes and property are damaged, but luckily that was the extent of their loss.


There is a commercial on MSNBC featuring journalist Martin Bashir that I find really pertinent to this tragedy. I am paraphrasing slightly, but he says, “When disaster strikes, Americans run toward the problem, not away.” We’ve seen this mantra lived out almost immediately after the storm struck, with an outpouring of support to the American Red Cross, AmeriCares, and other relief organizations.


This week, we are personally calling every ABMP member—more than 500, and counting—in the affected areas to check in on them. Many of them fortunately emerged unscathed; others weren’t so fortunate. For those who lost everything, we are providing personal assistance through membership fee relief or additional help as they restart their practices. What we've learned so far is that many emerged unscathed, but the demand for services has been diminished greatly. Hopefully, this is only temporary.


We like to say, “ABMP Works for You.” We can’t undo all the damage of the storm, nor is it our place to solve every challenge that occurs—wildfires, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, and drought affect thousands of Americans a year, and some of them are massage and bodywork professionals. It would be impossible to keep up with all of life’s twists and turns. But we pride ourselves on being there for our members, and now—just as we do every day—we’ll support you the best we can.


Road to Boston: Week 3

Signs of progress, and more rest than planned: I traveled last week, and then got something—that’s the best I can describe it—that laid me up in bed for half a day Saturday and scratched 3 training days. You know you’re getting old when you feel sick, but can’t describe it. But back on the road Monday and Tuesday this week, and feeling no worse for wear. ABMP Director of Education Anne Williams gets the gold star of the week. She saw me in the lunchroom and convincingly stated, “you are looking great.” Gold star for Anne!




Prefer to receive more from Les in small doses? Follow him on Twitter — @abmp_les.

