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Get More Massage Clients: Be Part of Small Business Saturday, November 27


Shop owner putting up a Small Business Saturday sign on a shop window.

Is your business ready for the holiday season? Holiday promotions planned out and strategized? Gift cards ready to go? Marketing messages created and queued up for delivery? These are all important pieces that need to be in place as the holiday shopping season gets rolling. But don’t stop there. For small businesses, one of the best ways to kick off the holiday season is by participating in Small Business Saturday, an annual event held the Saturday after Thanksgiving. This year it is November 27.

Launched by American Express in 2010, this event reminds consumers about the value of small businesses and how spending dollars with local establishments helps keep neighborhood communities healthy and thriving. In fact, experts say 67 cents of every dollar spent in a small business stays in the community where that business is located.

Small Business Saturday is a concept the public has embraced; consumers spent nearly $20 billion on this day in 2020. And with consumers eager to return to a more normal holiday season, this year’s event will certainly prove to be even more successful.

How to Get Started

Small business owners like you can get a variety of resources to help promote your event, including free marketing materials, downloadable signage, social media posts, and more.

Use this shopping day to offer holiday specials, package discounts, a small client giveaway with gift certificate purchases, or any other host of ideas to create holiday shopping excitement, and traffic to either your online gift certificate purchases or “in-store” shopping experience. Consider partnering with other small businesses and share news about the event with all your contacts—friends, family, and, of course, everyone on your client list.

Remind your clients that Small Business Saturday is a day to celebrate and support small businesses of all kinds . . . including their most favorite massage therapist!

Everything you need to get started is here:

View more business-building and marketing resources for massage therapists in the ABMP Marketing Center at
