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Anne, I Passed the MBLEx


Man celebrating after passing the MBLEX.

“Anne, I PASSED THE MBLEx, but it wasn’t easy. Lots of kinesiology questions for some reason.

Still, I don’t think I would have passed without the help of ABMP Exam Coach.”

That’s the email we received the other day from Harry, a massage student in Texas, and we shared it around the ABMP office to celebrate his achievement. A lot of people here at ABMP worked on ABMP Exam Coach, and we all feel joy every time someone who used the program passes. We got this one less than 24 hours later from Brian in Colorado:

“Just wanted you to know I obliterated the MBLEx. I felt so prepared I finished the exam in 35 minutes. Just wanted to say thank you because ABMP Exam Coach was a tremendous help.”

I’ve worked in massage education for about 20 years now, and I love it when students I’ve worked with in some capacity have success. It makes me feel like I had the chance to be a little part of the journey toward this moment. I hope that Harry and Brian have long and wonderful careers in the massage profession, which is my hope for all massage therapists and bodyworkers out there. It is what motivates our work every day in the Education department here at ABMP, whether we’re producing webinars to inspire, self-care resources to sustain, or study materials to prepare.

If you’re studying for the MBLEx exam and you’re getting nervous about passing, ABMP is here to help. You can easily sign up for a free ABMP Student Life account at and get helpful study tools and proven advice as you approach the exam, and if you really want to make sure that you’re prepared you can follow Harry’s and Brian’s example and use ABMP Exam Coach to ace the exam.

And, if you’ve taken the MBLEx already but haven’t passed, here’s a roadmap to getting back on track and passing it the next time without panic.

Wherever you are on your career journey, ABMP is happy to be a part of it, and we wish you a long and wonderful career!

—Kristin Coverly is director of education for Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
