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New Summer 2017 Issue of Body Sense Magazine


The new issue of Body Sense magazine, ABMP's digital magazine for health-conscious consumers, is available online for massage therapists and bodyworkers to share with clients. ABMP members love to share the seasonal magazine to educate existing clients and reach new ones.


The issue, available at, features the following articles:


·         "3 Steps to Become Your Massage Therapist's Favorite Client." Start with our quiz to see if you're a pro when it comes to receiving massage. Then, read on to become one of your massage therapist's favorite clients and learn tips so you can get the most from your next massage session.

·         "Massage for Your Colicky Baby." Massage is one scientifically proven way you can bring babies relief, while also creating important parent-child bonds.

·         "Massage Therapist or Masseuse?" Which term does your bodyworker prefer, and which should you use?


Already an ABMP member? You can easily add Body Sense magazine to your website!

1.    Log in to the Members section of and choose "Website Builder" from the left sidebar under "Quick Links."

2.    Click on "Manage Pages."

3.    From the menu that says "New/Blank Page" select the "Body Sense magazine" page and click the "Add Page" button.

4.    Then click the "Save Changes" button to publish.
