Massage Careers with Elements Massage: How Elements Supports You

Spa treatment room with a white towel and purple flowers on a massage table
The following blog post is sponsored by Elements Massage.

What is Elements Massage’s philosophy toward the self-care and wellness of its massage therapists?

Since its inception, the intention of the Elements Massage® brand boiled down to one sentence: “Taking the best care of massage therapists so they can take the best care of clients.” Wellness also includes maintaining a continual focus on the emotional and mental well-being of massage therapists. The concept of psychological safety (the belief that you will not be punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns, or mistakes) is paramount for overall well-being and is alive and well in the studios. That intention is always front of mind, as we understand the importance of career longevity in a profession where research from the Entry Level Analysis Project (ELAP) estimates 40 percent of massage therapists leave the profession within the first two years of practice.

What benefits does a massage therapist get from working at an Elements Massage studio?

The Elements Massage brand is focused solely on one thing: providing therapeutic massage and bodywork. From a day-to-day perspective, this singular focus allows massage therapists to focus on doing what they love, without having to sell required retail products to meet a monthly quota or recommend facials and other skin care services. In addition, studio owners do not employ a cookie-cutter approach to massage therapy services; the focus is on taking care of the specific needs of the client. This includes being able to address certain areas of the body that other systems may prohibit, such as the gluteal and pectoral muscles, all with client informed consent.

In terms of employment benefits, some of the perks individual studio owners may provide include health insurance benefits, sick days, paid vacation, free monthly massage, and a flexible schedule to meet their massage therapists’ personal and professional needs.

How does the Elements Massage brand show appreciation for massage therapists?

The Elements Massage brand understands appreciation of the studios’ massage therapists is one of the most important aspects of a happy, healthy studio team. This year, we will be expanding our show of appreciation through a “Summer Celebration” where massage therapists will be automatically entered to win cash and prizes totaling nearly $25,000, including Apple AirPods®, HyperVolt® massage devices, and $500 gift certificates. To top it off, a grand prize of $10,000 in cash will be given away the week of September 3 to any eligible studio employee hired on or before June 30, 2021. Appreciation is alive and well within the Elements Massage franchise system!

What is on the horizon for the Elements Massage brand in the coming years?

As always, the brand will help studio owners continue to focus on the paramount concepts of safety and trust for their team members and all the clients they touch in the 250 studios across the country. This includes a focus on the highest level of personalized, therapeutic massage to promote the brand’s mission of “improving the lives of everyone we touch.”

I can also share something very exciting on the horizon as well. Over the next year, Elements Massage studios will continue to be the “Employer of Choice” in the massage industry, with the brand unveiling a system-wide career advancement and development program unlike any program currently in the industry. It is an innovative game changer! This will include increased financial compensation, increased leadership responsibilities, cutting-edge continuing education, and the ability to develop a unique, lifelong career path within the Elements Massage system. We want Elements Massage studios to attract the best talent in the industry and help keep them happy for years to come!



Tennessee Increases Minimum Education Hours

On April 16, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee signed into law House Bill 1610 and Senate Bill 1588, increasing the minimum massage curriculum hours that an applicant for massage licensure must complete at an approved school for massage, bodywork, or somatic therapy to be eligible for licensure under the Massage Licensure Act. Find out the new state minimum requirement.

Alaska Massage Board Remains Independent and Autonomous

Executive Order No. 129 sought to dissolve the Alaska Board of Massage Therapists and transfer its functions to the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development (DCCED). The executive order was successfully overturned.

Gainful Employment Rules Compliance Updates

Over the past two weeks, the US Department of Education issued updates to the new “Gainful Employment” (GE) regulations for vocational programs published last fall. This web post addresses the updates to prepare school owners and educators ahead of the July 1, 2024, new GE rule effective date.


Avoid Pulling Clients' Hair

Massage therapy students practicing in a classroom.

It’s the finer details that matter in a massage therapy session, and unintentional hair pulling is a detail that carries more weight than you might think.

Faces of Bodywork: Adriane Maxwell

Massage therapist Adriane Maxwell stands in front of a palm tree.

Adriane Maxwell is the owner of One Healing Touch Reiki & Massage for Women in Charleston, South Carolina. Maxwell was featured in the May/June 2024 issue of Massage & Bodywork magazine in “Faces of Bodywork.”


Podcast: Cancer, Clots, and COVID—A Complicated Client

A client was recently treated for colon cancer—and it didn’t go well. She had surgical complications, a bout of sepsis, and more. Is massage therapy safe? We discuss on this episode of “I Have a Client Who . . .” Pathology Conversations with Ruth Werner.

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