Online ABMP courses with Heath and Nicole Reed include free CE

ABMP members have access to more than 125 on-demand massage and bodywork webinars, including a collection from Heath and Nicole Reed.

Join an always lively and fun conversation with Heath and Nicole, owners of Living Metta, and amplify your body intelligence with gentle, yet empowering results-driven techniques. Heath and Nicole Reed love to integrate ancient healing practices to balance modern-day stress and continue to evolve their own healing practice with a special focus on expanding consciousness. You can learn more about them at

You can browse all of ABMP’s online massage courses at Following is a list of all the ABMP webinars presented by Heath and Nicole:

Healing Moves to Cultivate Loving Attention

Self-care webinar. Enjoy taking exquisite care of yourself as you befriend your body intelligence and grow your kinesphere’s potential. Combine the power of your presence with globally inspired healing moves that expand your positivity and feelings of aliveness! These fun healing moves generate opportunities for all levels of health to cultivate greater joy and moving possibilities. “There is no limit to the improvement of movement.” —Feldenkrais

Expand your capacity to give and receive loving attention as you: keep your joints lubricated, mobilized, and aligned with a standing medical qigong series. Release and stabilize the muscles and structures of your low back and hips with floor work inspired by yoga therapy and Feldenkrais. Melt the boulders in your shoulders and soften tight hands, wrists, and thumbs while you release nerve, blood vessel, or fascial constrictions with healing moves performed at the wall.

Watch an excerpt from this webinar!

Ethical Frontiers: Practice Creative Presencing, Loop of Awareness, & Body-Centered Intelligence to Expand Healing Potential

We invite your most expanded self to join us as we play, experience, and collaborate with practical presencing tools! Circulate your “loop of awareness” to refresh yourself and run your practice on pure, positive energy. Feel yourself grounded in space as you build your unique body map to easily see yourself and your clients as whole, complete, and resourceful.

Five-Element Medical Qi Gong and the Smiling Organ Meditation

Ever feel as though you are running on empty—always giving to others and feeling drained? Recharge your battery and fill your cup as we practice fun and easy ways to feel good every day! Connecting with the energies of nature (wood, fire, earth, metal, and water), we will practice simple movements to harmonize our physiology and build our vital life force.

Hands Free Therapies

“Loving kindness is my religion.”—Dalai Lama

How do you create a bodywork practice of loving kindness that brings no harm to you, and no harm to your clients? Every technique is an opportunity to cultivate loving kindness for ourselves and for our clients. Experience new and creative ways to work smarter, not harder, with “Hands Free Therapies.” Save your hands, thumbs, and wrists while exploring more possibilities with your forearms, soft fists, and knuckles. Feel the benefits of healing practices gleaned from our world travels that inspire, create connection, and feel really good. Practice medical qi gong warm-ups and ergonomic body mechanics that reinforce a sustainable practice to protect and prevent energy drain, pain, or injury. Join us for globally inspired healing techniques from lomilomi, Thai yoga, and Esalen massage that are sure to WOW your clients!

East Meets West Face Massage

Rejuvenate the skin, clear congestion, and calm the mind with the unique synergy of East Meets West Face Massage. Experience Chi Self-Massage for personal self-care, as well as a lovely marriage of ayurvedic, Thai, craniosacral, Chinese, and Japanese therapeutic approaches to face and scalp massage. Reveal the energetic pathways, acupoints, and marmas that unlock restrictions and soothe the entire body-mind.

Table Thai Yoga Massage for Neck and Shoulders

Experience simple and potent therapies to reverse neck and shoulder issues while improving mobility and performance. Unlock common anatomical features and lifestyle patterns that contribute to excessive kyphosis (slouching posture), thoracic outlet syndrome, frozen shoulder, and tendinosis. Learn Table Thai Yoga Massage techniques to safely stretch and relieve restrictions along fascial and energetic meridians to improve your clients’ sense of ease in the neck and shoulders.

Thai Yoga Massage & Fearless Draping

Yoga Massage is a fresh approach to bodywork that ushers the body through a variety of movements designed to maximize flexibility, spaciousness, and relief. Experience the marriage of Yoga Therapy and Thai Massage as you gracefully integrate “fearless draping,” stretching, and bodywork with Yoga Massage. Yoga Massage promotes greater ease and flow in every body: from sedentary clients hungry to counteract the impact of excessive sitting to professional athletes committed to improving performance and recovery. Yoga Massage is mutually beneficial for therapists’ bodies as it emphasizes easeful ergonomics, moving from the center, and promotes alignment in your body and your client’s body so every technique feels good to give and good to receive. Evolve beyond the conventional 2-dimensional bodywork context as you explore 3-D range of motion and stretching. Enjoy Yoga Massage as you boost proprioceptive awareness and reorganize fascia to promote a greater sense of ease and full body relief.



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Tennessee Increases Minimum Education Hours

On April 16, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee signed into law House Bill 1610 and Senate Bill 1588, increasing the minimum massage curriculum hours that an applicant for massage licensure must complete at an approved school for massage, bodywork, or somatic therapy to be eligible for licensure under the Massage Licensure Act. Find out the new state minimum requirement.

Alaska Massage Board Remains Independent and Autonomous

Executive Order No. 129 sought to dissolve the Alaska Board of Massage Therapists and transfer its functions to the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development (DCCED). The executive order was successfully overturned.

Gainful Employment Rules Compliance Updates

Over the past two weeks, the US Department of Education issued updates to the new “Gainful Employment” (GE) regulations for vocational programs published last fall. This web post addresses the updates to prepare school owners and educators ahead of the July 1, 2024, new GE rule effective date.


Avoid Pulling Clients' Hair

Massage therapy students practicing in a classroom.

It’s the finer details that matter in a massage therapy session, and unintentional hair pulling is a detail that carries more weight than you might think.

Faces of Bodywork: Adriane Maxwell

Massage therapist Adriane Maxwell stands in front of a palm tree.

Adriane Maxwell is the owner of One Healing Touch Reiki & Massage for Women in Charleston, South Carolina. Maxwell was featured in the May/June 2024 issue of Massage & Bodywork magazine in “Faces of Bodywork.”


Podcast: Cancer, Clots, and COVID—A Complicated Client

A client was recently treated for colon cancer—and it didn’t go well. She had surgical complications, a bout of sepsis, and more. Is massage therapy safe? We discuss on this episode of “I Have a Client Who . . .” Pathology Conversations with Ruth Werner.

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