Certification in Manual Lymph Drainage from the Academy of Lymphatic Studies

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The following blog post is sponsored by Academy of Lymphatic Studies.

Tell us a little about your history.

Joachim Zuther founded the Ulmkolleg/Department of Lymphology (University of Ulm, Germany) in 1990 after he received his degree as a certified instructor for Manual Lymph Drainage (Vodder technique) and Complete Decongestive Therapy (MLD/CDT) from the German Physical Therapy Association. In 1994, he formed the Academy of Lymphatic Studies, the first school to offer lymphedema certification courses in the continental United States, according to the European curriculum.

What makes your school different from other lymphatic studies schools?

The mission of the Academy of Lymphatic Studies is to promote high professional standards and the continuing professional competence of health-care practitioners by promoting the quality and integrity of continuing education to practitioners in the field of lymphedema management. Our nationally renowned faculty board ensures that our certification graduates have the highest success rates passing the LANA national certification exam for certified lymphedema therapists, which is the gold standard of certification to treat lymphedema-related complications. Small classroom settings ensure focused discussion and plenty of time for hands-on learning.

Are your courses held in person, online, or a combination of both?

We offer both in-person and hybrid course options. Our Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) Certification and Complete Lymphedema Therapy Certification courses now have hybrid options. Students participate in the live webinar portion, then complete the hands-on treatment training in person with our highly trained faculty. With 150 annual course offerings all over the country, students can find the right course for them.

What courses do you offer instruction on?

We offer a variety of courses addressing edema and lymphedema management. Our popular 40-hour MLD certification Vodder technique course and 135-hour Complete Lymphedema Certification course are offered in both in-person and hybrid formats. We also offer advanced and refresher courses for lymphedema management. New this year, we created our highly anticipated Advanced MLD—Post Plastic Surgery Procedures course and are adding more course locations every month.

Why is manual lymphatic drainage so important in today’s world?

There is a high demand for manual lymphatic drainage therapists. Manual lymphatic drainage helps reduce edema of various genesis, including posttraumatic and postsurgical edema, as well as several pathologies, such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, migraines, and chronic pain. Highly skilled manual lymphatic drainage therapists with advanced training are also instrumental in supporting the healing process in patients recovering from oncology treatments and cosmetic, reconstructive, and gender-affirming surgery.

Marina Maduro, Manual Lymph Drainage Instructor.
Marina Maduro, PT, DPT, WCC, CLT-LANA, MLD/CDT Instructor



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