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Recent News and Legislative Updates

In an effort to avert a full government shutdown and address the state's budget deficit, the Michigan State Legislature passed a tax on services, including "massage," on October 1, 2007. There are two bills being considered by the legislature at this time. One, SB 838, would repeal the tax…

After consultation in Sacramento with ABMP's government relations representatives and with key legislators and staff, we intend to participate in a renewed effort in 2008 at securing statewide massage regulation. The motive: problems with inconsistent, burdensome local regulation are not going…

Massage Therapists Evaluate A Predictable Response from DORA

Colorado law requires that individuals or groups proposing legislation to regulate any occupation or profession first submit information to the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) for the purpose of sunrise review…

Governor O'Malley has called a Special Session of the General Assembly that will commence on Monday, October 29, 2007. The purpose of the session is to address Maryland's $1.7 billion deficit.
Contained in Governor O'Malley's proposal is an expansion of the sales tax, including a sales tax…

The Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) released the Sunrise Review regarding the regulation of massage therapists on October 15, 2007. Predictably, the review did not recommend that the state regulate massage therapists. A copy of the report can be found at:

Pennsylvania Legislative Survey Results

A bill seeking the state licensure of massage therapists has been attempted for the past several years in Pennsylvania. Although no bill has been attempted so far in 2007, ABMP has been seeking feedback so that we will best…

The Massachusetts Board of Massage Therapy has been appointed by Governor Patrick and their first meeting will be held on November 8, 2007. Meeting are open to the public. The board, named below, is charged with the responsibility of writing the rules and regulations to implement the law. ABMP…

It has recently come to ABMP’s attention that the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) – Alaska Chapter has been working with Representative Sharon Cissna on a bill which would provide for the regulation of massage therapy, including the formation of a state massage board to…

Fee change
Effective October 1, 2007, the fee for the fingerprinting that is required for background checks, will change to $24. The total application fee will change to $189.00.
Education hour increase
Effective January 1, 2008, in order to…

Senate Bill 788, sponsored by Senator Gilda Jacobs, has been introduced in the Michigan Legislature. The bill would establish state licensing standards for massage therapists and create a Board of Massage Therapy to implement the process. If passed, a state license would pre-empt local…