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Recent News and Legislative Updates

Senate Bill 854, sponsored by Senator Dan Patrick, was introduced to the Texas State Legislature on February 12, 2009. It has not been assigned to an initial committee hearing yet. The bill adds restrictions and requirements for massage establishments and increases penalties for noncompliance.…

House Bill 64, sponsored by Representative Angelo Saviano, was introduced to the Illinois General Assembly in January. HB 64 would amend the Medical Practice Act to allow any person licensed under it (physicians, chiropractors) to delegate tasks or duties to licensed or unlicensed personnel who…

The regulations for Facility licensure are now in effect. Locations offering massage in the Commonwealth are required to have a current Massage Establishment License. Penalties of up to $1,000 can be assigned for the first violation, so do not delay in submitting your application.



Notice of First Organizational Meeting
February 19, 2009

1100 K Street
Sacramento CA 95814
First Floor Conference Room
9:00 am To 4:30 pm


There is no formal application process offered by the governor's office. In Pennsylvania, the first step is to contact your state representative and/or state senator and let them know you are a constituent interested in being appointed to the new massage therapy board and you would like their…

This notice is intended to give those interested in applying for a board appointment a better idea of the task at hand, time commitment, and reimbursement. Of the eleven members appointed to the board, seven will be massage therapists and four will be public members.  The board will receive…

Applications for state certification will be available the first week of February. They will be posted on the State Board of Massage Therapy website:

State certification is a title…

Today, House Bill 5651, providing for the state licensing of massage therapists, was signed into law by Governor Granholm. While the law is effective immediately, it will take some time to implement. There is no action for you to take at this time. It will likely take at least 6-12 months before…

On December 16, 2008, Governor Paterson released the Executive Budget plan for 2009-2010. In an effort to reduce a record $13.7 billion budget deficit, the Executive Budget recommends increasing and extending taxes and fees along with spending cuts in virtually all government programs. If the…

From the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies:
New Colorado legislation requires all massage therapists in Colorado must hold a certificate of registration by April 1, 2009. The Colorado Division of Registrations is holding public meetings on Thursday,…