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Associate Membership for Massage Therapy Education

Are you interested in ABMP’s quality Continuing Education and a portfolio of additional outstanding resources, but you don’t need or want liability insurance?

ABMP Associate membership is for you.

At only $199 for 600 hours of continuing education, ABMP Associate membership is tailored to your needs!

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600+ Continuing Education Courses

As an ABMP Associate member, your Continuing Education is free. Choose from more than 600 hours of on-demand massage and bodywork continuing education and earn free CE by completing a short quiz. Then print out a certificate of completion. Thanks to ABMP acquiring the World Massage Conference vault, ABMP Associate members now have access to hundreds of on-demand courses, with topics such as self-care, ethics, various techniques, and more!

Check out our full catalog of continuing education massage therapy courses to find the online course that is right for you. Whether you want to polish your technique, delve into ethics, refocus your self-care plan, or hone your marketing initiatives, ABMP’s courses can help educate and inspire you—and all are available when it’s convenient for you. 

Quick-Reference Apps for Anatomy and Pathology

Access to our quick-reference apps—ABMP Five-Minute Muscles and ABMP Pocket Pathology. These dynamic resources give you information about muscle origin/insertion/actions, key information for nearly 200 common pathologies, plus how-to palpation and technique videos—at your fingertips on a phone, tablet, or computer. More details at

Award-Winning Magazines

ABMP Associate membership also includes access to the award-winning digital edition of Massage & Bodywork magazine. Six times a year, you can earn CEs by reading and learning from Massage & Bodywork’s premiere contributors. Check out the digital archives at

Marketing Tools and Discount Partners

A customizable website builder—designed with bodyworkers in mind—is also part of ABMP Associate membership, as well as a wealth of online marketing materials to help fuel your practice. An array of companies also offer discounts to ABMP members. (Some of these may not be applicable to international practitioners.)


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Do you have questions about ABMP Associate membership? Call our team at 800-458-2267, or email, and we'll be happy to answer them!