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Read Til Luchau's Article on Working with the Mesentery


In light of recent news articles about the reclassification of the mesentery as a “new organ" ("New human organ discovered by Irish surgeon,” Sean Rossman, USA TODAY, January 4, 2017 ), we’re re-running this article from TIl Luchau ("Working with the Mesentery," March/April 2015). The expanded version of this article, which appears in Luchau's 2016 book Advanced Myofascial Techniques, Vol II, cites some of the same research used in the recent Lancet article1 that sparked the “new organ” stories in the popular press.
1. J. C. Coffey and Peter O'Leary, "The Mesentery: Structure, Function, and Role in Disease," The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology 1, no. 3 (November 2016): 238-247.
