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Reflecting Back to the Beginning of the CBD Movement: Charlotte Figi's Story


Charlotte's Web CBD ebook cover.

The following blog post is sponsored by CBD Clinic.

It was Charlotte Figi’s story that initially brought CBD to light. In 2011, Charlotte was a young girl who suffered from Dravet syndrome, which causes frequent and debilitating seizures.

After trying many conventional medications with little success, Charlotte’s mother, Paige Figi, began to research alternative therapies to help her daughter. She unveiled anecdotal reports that CBD oil helped lessen the severity of seizures in a child who lived in California. She eventually met the Stanley brothers, who at the time were growing cannabis that had high levels of CBD and very little THC.

Upon administering CBD oil to Charlotte, Paige noticed her daughter’s seizures began to decrease. So much so that Paige weaned Charlotte off her anti-seizure medication. Eventually, Charlotte was able to walk and talk, and she no longer needed a feeding tube. Shortly thereafter, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, an American neurosurgeon and medical correspondent, gave Charlotte global notoriety when he featured her story in his 2013 documentary on CNN, Weed. She quickly became the poster child for the CBD movement.

Overnight, CBD became a household name and people flocked to Colorado to purchase it. The Stanley brothers named their CBD company Charlotte’s Web after her. Today, Charlotte’s Web is the leading CBD company with global recognition.

Charlotte’s story was a monumental stepping-stone in the advancement of CBD research as well as its exponential market growth and popularity. To this day, Charlotte’s Web continues to fight for consumer access to CBD, set high quality standards, and pursue research for better understanding of this important plant medicine.

For more information on Charlotte's Web, visit

To gain more insight and knowledge on CBD, click the image below to read “The Health Professional’s Guide to Agricultural Hemp and Cannabidiol (CBD).”

Charlotte's Web CBD ebook cover.
