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Product Spotlight: ClinicSense Practice Managment Software


The following blog post is sponsored by ClinicSense.

Four Things To Do Before Buying Clinic Management Software

1. Try it out

Avoid programs that don’t offer a free trial. In my experience, those programs are accompanied by high-pressure sales tactics, and without a chance to try it first, it’ll be hard to know whether it’s a good fit for you. The good news is there are options out there that are fully transparent, and you’ll get to try them with no obligations before buying.

ClinicSense offers a 14-day free trial, plus you can now get an additional month free by visiting

2. Evaluate

Once you’ve started the free trial, it’s time to start evaluating. Focus on what’s most important to you. The top item on your list should be whether the program is easy to use. From there, you’ll want to consider whether you like the style of the SOAP notes (, whether you can customize the intake form ( to meet the needs of your business, and whether the program has all the tools you’ll need to be successful.

3. Test customer support

You’ll also want to consider what kind of support the clinic management program offers. It’s nice to be able to chat with someone on the phone, especially if you have an urgent question. Try to contact the company during the trial period; it’s best to know they will be there for you before you decide to buy.

4. Choose the best option

When it’s time to choose which clinic management software you’ll subscribe to, remember that it’s an investment in yourself, and in your business. Selecting a program based on price may seem like a good idea today, but going with the highest-quality option sets you up for the long term without having to go through the pain of transferring files to a better program later. A quality program will help you gain new clients with integrated marketing tools, help prevent lost revenue from no-shows, and remind clients to book with you often—paying for itself over and over.

If you’re looking to get started, ClinicSense has a 1-month free promotion right now. Visit to learn more.

Brad Surette is a registered massage therapist whose business, SMART Healing Centre (, is located in Windsor, Nova Scotia, Canada. Brad specializes in therapeutic massage and Rapid NFR Therapeutic Massage.
