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Massage is for EveryBody Week: July 18 - 24, 2021


An older man receiving head massage while lying on a massage table

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (ABMP) invites you to join us July 18–24, 2021, as we reconnect, take a collective deep breath, and celebrate that massage is for every body.

This 2021 event is really an evolution of our "EveryBody Deserves a Massage" week-long celebration, begun more than 20 years ago and interrupted only in 2020 as the world sheltered from the pandemic.

As the ABMP team reflects on all that has happened over the past year and the role massage and bodywork practitioners will play in helping to unwind trauma and bring about healing, we know it is only valid if we advocate for inclusive healing. Because while it's true that everybody deserves a massage, deserves implies that a massage is something to be earned. And healing and self-care are for everyone. Massage is for EveryBody. In this spirit, we have refocused our celebration around these five guiding principles.

Guiding Principles

Because Massage is for EveryBody, we will:

  1. Serve as advocates for the powerful physical and emotional benefits of massage and bodywork.
  2. Support and advocate for efforts that bring massage and bodywork to underserved populations.
  3. Spread awareness of career options in the massage and bodywork profession.
  4. Honor the healing role practitioners play in our communities.
  5. Emphasize the importance of self-care, including receiving regular bodywork, for massage therapists and bodyworkers, and their clients.

$1,000 Awards Available

To honor and support massage therapists and bodyworkers, ABMP will give away 10 $1,000 awards to practitioners who live these values. To enter, we will ask for written submissions, no longer than 300 words, sharing how you support the Massage is for EveryBody guiding principles in your practice. Stay tuned—we will release more details during Massage is for EveryBody week!

How Can You Get Involved?

Participating in Massage is for EveryBody week doesn’t have to be complicated! There are many ways to partner in your community and share the benefits of massage and bodywork during this event. Simply posting the benefits of massage on social media throughout the week is a great way to advocate that massage is for every body. Here are details and other ideas:

Share on Social Media

We've created content for you to share throughout the week of July 18–24. Watch our social media pages and simply share the posts to spread the word in your community.

Be Creative!

Take inspiration from other ABMP members who have created special ways to bring touch to their communities and plan your own unique promotion.

  • For every 60-minute massage booked [during Massage Week], 15 minutes were donated to someone in need. (Amy Groner, Ohio)
  • Every client [during Massage Week] received a 60-minute gift certificate to give to someone else who would benefit from a bodywork session. Advertising the promotion in advance filled her schedule! (Cath Cox, Colorado)
  • Ask others to nominate a person doing good work—a volunteer, advocate, tireless worker, friend, shoulder to cry on—to receive a free massage. (Megan Spence, New York)

Volunteer or Offer Discounted Chair Massage

Think about the people, causes, or events that inspire you, and share your work. Here are some ideas to get started:

  • Animal shelter staff
  • Firefighters
  • Homeless shelter residents and staff
  • Hospice care staff
  • Hospital staff
  • Local community events (e.g., concerts, farmer’s markets, 5Ks)
  • Nursing home residents and staff
  • Police personnel
  • Teachers
  • Anyone or any cause that speaks to you

Pro tip: Customize and print your Massage is for EveryBody Week coupons, postcards, and posters.

Donate or Raise Funds

  • Donate gift certificates or a percentage of your sales to local charities and other deserving individuals or organizations.
  • Put a special tip jar in your office to raise money for a local charity or organization.
  • Encourage clients to bring in canned goods to be donated to your local food bank.
  • Create a Pay it Forward campaign that clients can contribute to.