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Balance Your Skin, Mind, and Body Naturally with Ayurveda


The following blog post is sponsored by Bindi.

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is the original healing science of India. Ayurvedic wisdom holds that providing the skin with the purest nourishment possible not only allows for healing of the skin, but also has a profound healing effect on the entire person.

The secret of absolute beauty and balance is to live in harmony with nature’s design for us as expressed by our personal mix of elements of ether, air, fire, water, and earth. Ayurveda describes health and beauty as a perfect balance of all five elements. The way to achieve this balance is to understand the action and reaction among nature’s elemental attributes. After all, we are linked by these energies to everyone and everything.

Ayurveda is simple. It is the “science of everyday living,” and its basic principles are easy to apply to everyday life. What is important is to grasp Ayurveda’s central notion of the mind-body connection in the process of healing and balance, and to realize that Ayurvedic healing encompasses more than herbal remedies.

Ayurveda works with nature. Changes in body chemistry, along with the effects of environment, lifestyle, and stress, inevitably conspire to undo nature’s original handiwork. Many signs of imbalances and aging are an indication of a non-alignment with nature. Ayurveda provides simple tools to help bring you back into balance.

To learn more about Ayurveda and restoring balance to your unique mind-body type, slowing the aging process, and assisting in skin cell rejuvenation through blended formulations of Ayurvedic herbs and essential oils, order your copy of Absolute Beauty at  
