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Advice from the Pros #9: Allissa Haines


Our Advice from the Pros series of blog posts will highlight one of the leaders in the massage and bodywork field once a week. Allissa Haines is our featured expert this week.

Allissa Haines owns a thriving massage practice and wellness center in Plainville, Massachusetts. She creates business and marketing resources for other massage therapists at and is known for being ridiculously in love with massage, scotch, and cupcakes.

My most effective client retention strategy is …

Allissa Haines: Asking, after working on the primary issue, "Is there anything I missed here or any spot you want me to go back to?” This ensures the client feels heard and gets the massage they sought.

The customer service experience that taught me the most about how to treat my own clients is ...

Allissa Haines: Every terrible massage I’ve ever had. Especially the one where the therapist ignored my neck, after I specifically asked for work on my neck.

The technology tool that has benefited my practice the most is …

Allissa Haines: Online scheduling. It’s reduced my workload, cut down on no-shows and cancellations, and helped me maintain control and boundaries with my schedule. 

My marketing advice for therapists is …

Allissa Haines: Learn it. Plan it. Do it. Accept that there is a learning curve and make the effort to learn all about marketing. Plan an approach, write out the steps, and then actually do those things. 

This blog was created from Massage & Bodywork’s July/August 2017 Business Side column "Advice from the Pros.
