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Advice from the Pros #1: Whitney Lowe


The following series of blog posts will highlight one of the leaders in the massage and bodywork field once a week. Whitney Lowe is our featured expert this week. Lowe directs the Academy of Clinical Massage and is the author of Orthopedic Assessment in Massage Therapy (Daviau Scott, 2006) and Orthopedic Massage: Theory and Technique (Churchill Livingstone, 2009). He teaches continuing education in advanced clinical massage through the academy and offers an online certification program in orthopedic massage.  

The best thing I ever did to grow my practice is … 

Whitney Lowe: Networking with other health professionals. This included doing presentations and creating information that was directly relevant to their patient population. There is nothing like a personal meeting, and meeting these individuals helped build trust in our mutual relationships.


The key thing I wish I knew when I was starting out is … 

Whitney Lowe: How much time would be spent in running the business of the practice. It is easy to get excited about the work we actually do in the treatment room, but that will never last if we don’t focus on actually running a business as well.


My definition of excellent customer service is … 

Whitney Lowe: Going out of my way to treat each individual as if they are the most important person I will be seeing that day. Treating people this way really helps your treatment room success.


My business management advice for therapists is … 

Whitney Lowe: Take advantage of modern marketing strategies. The changing marketing landscape can work to your advantage by introducing you to potential clients much more effectively than the old methods of advertising in the Yellow Pages or with flyers in the health food store. 


This blog was created from Massage & Bodywork’s July/August 2017 Business Side column "Advice from the Pros." 
