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Share Your Client Stories with Ruth Werner


In episode 20 of The ABMP Podcast, Undiagnosed Rash: What Do You Think It Is? “I Have a Client Who …” with Ruth Werner, Ruth Werner shares a client story and also tells listeners how to send in their stories for a chance to be featured on the podcast! Listen to the episode here.

Ruth Werner says, “In this episode, we're going to talk about a beloved long-time client who came in with a pretty common situation, but that presented some interesting challenges in terms of identifying our scope of practice, taking care of personal safety, and taking some care around our language and the way we communicate. So this story comes from a massage therapist in New York, who says, "I have a client who was 78 years old, she came to see me frequently. And one day she came in and I discovered in the middle of the session when I undraped her buttock and leg that she had a long line of red itchy blisters going down her leg, which somehow she didn't mention in her intake. When I asked her about it, she said, 'Oh yeah, that's been really itchy for the last few days. What do you think?'" Now, I want to take a moment to say thank you so much to the massage therapist who shared this story with us. And I want to invite you to share your I Have a Client Who ... stories. You can do that by sending them to”
