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New Oncology Massage Courses in the ABMP Education Center


We have added a two-part series of oncology massage courses to the ABMP Education Center. These courses are included with ABMP membership for free, or available to purchase for $30 if you're not a member.

These in-depth introductory courses, taught by Healwell's Cal Cates and Kerry Jordan, will help you determine if you’re interested in additional training in this unique modality. Full descriptions are available below.

Introduction to Oncology Massage: Part 1

Join Healwell’s Cal Cates and Kerry Jordan for an introduction to oncology massage. Topics include metastasis and cancer-related conditions including lymphedema and deep vein thrombosis. Explore some of the myths regarding massage therapy and cancer. Discover the critical intake questions therapists should be asking all clients and learn how to apply the answers you receive to ensure you’re providing a safe session.

Introduction to Oncology Massage: Part 2

Join Healwell’s Cal Cates and Kerry Jordan for an introduction to oncology massage and the special considerations that are needed when working with this population. Learn the proper client screening protocols, the correct levels of pressure to use with clients with cancer or a cancer history, and how to successfully refer to qualified healthcare professionals when needed. Includes video demonstration of levels one and two of Tracy Walton's Massage Therapy Pressure Scale.

About the Presenters

Healwell offers courses for massage therapists and other allied health professionals to support meaningful integration of massage therapy as well as interprofessional collaboration and the role of self-awareness in effective and sustainable caregiving. Healwell partners with hospitals and other healthcare facilities to provide meaningfully integrated massage therapy.  Our team of specially-trained massage therapists collaborate in care supporting patients at hospitals throughout the DC metro area. Healwell collaborates with hospitals and other healthcare facilities to create and conduct research about the feasibility and effect of massage therapy on people living with illness. In addition to direct partnership with hospitals and other healthcare facilities, Healwell provides fee-for-service inpatient and outpatient massage therapy throughout the Washington, DC metro area. Learn more at

Cal Cates, LMT

Cal has been teaching and developing curriculum for massage therapy courses focused on hospital-based practice, oncology massage and end of life care since 2007. Their* experience in clinical practice in hospitals around the US has informed their teaching style greatly. Cal is clear that massage therapy is healthcare and feels a personal commitment to inviting students to consider themselves as integral to a whole person healing process. Their favorite thing about teaching healthcare providers is the ability to blend nerdiness and authenticity to create opportunities to be more effective, more human and more flexible. *Cal identifies as gender fluid and uses the pronouns they, their, and them when being referred to in the third person.

Kerry Jordan, LMT

Kerry is a teacher for Healwell and is an essential part of the curriculum development team. She brings 20 years of experience as an instructor and has an extensive background in teaching pathology and physiology and adapting massage therapy for special populations. Before training as a massage therapist, Kerry owned and operated a successful yoga studio in Boston. She has been teaching yoga since 1999. Kerry is recognized by Yoga Alliance as an RYT-500 and a Continuing Education Provider, weaving the principles of yoga and meditation into her teaching and service work with yogis, massage therapists and healthcare providers.

