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New August Episodes from The ABMP Podcast


New episodes of The ABMP Podcast are available at, or wherever you prefer to download and listen. Recent episodes this month also feature Ruth Werner's new series "I Have a Client Who ...", which explores unique client stories. If you'd like to be featured on an upcoming episode, share a client story (identifying details removed) with Ruth at

Here are details on some of the recently released episodes:

Episode 23:

The State of PPE in Massage with Zeel's Alison Harmelin and Amir Hemmat

Alison Harmelin, co-founder of Zeel, and Amir Hemmat, senior director of public health and workplace safety for Zeel, talk about the current state of personal protective equipment (PPE) for massage therapists. Alison and Amir discuss how even the regulatory agencies we depend on to guide us are overwhelmed as a result of the pandemic, and how the three Fs—fraud, fear, and frantic activity—are complicating the PPE marketplace, making it challenging for therapists to procure the proper PPE from providers they can trust.

Episode 22: 

Fractured Sternum—“I Have a Client Who …” with Ruth Werner

A client who was recently in a motor vehicle accident was “cleared for massage” by her primary care provider. But it turns out she had no X-rays and that hid the fact that she sustained a fracture to her sternum. What is the responsibility of the massage therapist when a client has been “cleared for massage”? Ruth has some thoughts.

Episode 21:

Lighten Up and Slow Down with Cathy Ryan: A Discussion About Fascia and Scar Tissue

Cathy Ryan loves discussing fascia and its relation to bodywork. Today, her advice is to slow down and lighten up pressure. In this podcast, Cathy talks about scar tissue management and understanding the process of facilitating change to new and mature tissue after insult.

Episode 20:

Undiagnosed Rash: What Do You Think It Is? “I Have a Client Who …” with Ruth Werner

An older long-time client is on the table, midway through her massage. When the MT undrapes her leg, she finds a string of red blisters from the client’s buttock down the leg. “Oh, yeah, it’s kind of itchy,” says the client. In this episode, we talk about undiagnosed skin lesions, how carefully we need to communicate to clients about them, and take a deeper dive into shingles.

Episode 19:

“Change Your Breath, Change Your Health” with James Nestor, bestselling author of Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art

Is breath the missing pillar of health? Bestselling author James Nestor believes so. Learn about Nestor’s radical breathing experiments and listen to find out his techniques for optimal breathing.
