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New ABMP Member Discounts: Stopain and LymphaTouch


ABMP members now have access to two new member discount partners with offerings designed to enhance your hands-on treatments.

Stopain Clinical pain-relieving products are designed for sale by health-care professionals, not in retail stores, and are available at ABMP members can purchase the Stopain Clinical Ultimate Starter Pack for $99, which includes free shipping. In recognition of the new offer, Stopain is offering a prize giveaway for registrants of the 2021 ABMP CE Summit at (ABMP members can register for the CE Summit for free at, where it is $99 for nonmembers.)

The LymphaTouch device is designed to improve rehabilitation outcomes and uses negative pressure and mechanical high frequency vibration to expand and stretch the skin. ABMP members save $775 on the LymphaTouch Therapy Device and pay $4,200, or $350 per month for 12 months (normally priced at $4,975). For more information go to

ABMP members can access all member discounts by logging in at Not a member? Go to to see a list of our partners.
