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Body-Mind Online Education from Til Luchau


The ABMP Education Center features on-demand massage and bodywork continuing education courses from the best presenters in the profession. ABMP members can earn online CE for free as part of membership.

ABMP members also save 10% on videos, books, and online courses from Til Luchau at, and ABMP Certified members save 15%.

Here is an overview of the “Body-Mind” series of online CE opportunities from Til Luchau featured in the ABMP Education Center:

Body-Mind: Topic 1, Proprioception and the Body Sense

Using the latest research in the fields of connective tissue, neuroscience, pain management, and somatics, we'll examine simple but powerfully tangible ways to include body-mind awareness in a massage therapy or bodywork context. This information is relevant to those who work with chronic pain, emotional well-being, stress, and any other issues with a body-mind dimension.

Body-Mind: Topic 2, Understanding the Body-Mind Effects of Stress

Learn about the ways hands-on work helps us deal with the physical and emotional effects of stress, overwhelm, and over-busyness. This information is relevant to all types of stress-from mild, everyday hectic states to more severe trauma, and even PTSD.

Body-Mind: Topic 3, Hope, Despair, and Intractable Symptoms: Body-Mind Considerations

As hands-on practitioners, we usually get amazing results with our work. Nevertheless, there are symptoms that are outside our scope, or simply don't seem to change. How can our work be helpful, even when our clients' symptoms don't go away? How can we support clients finding their own meaning and their own way through their struggles? What can we offer to clients who are dealing with chronic pain, complex or serious diagnoses, or apparently "intractable" issues?

Body-Mind: Topic 4, Emotions: Are They Contagious? Boundaries, Empathy, and Body-Mind

Why do we sometimes feel our clients' emotions as our own (and why do they feel ours)? Is this harmful, or potentially helpful? What do brain science, shamanism, and bodywork folklore have to say about empathy, emotions, and boundaries? How can we best take care of ourselves, and serve our clients?

Body-Mind: Topic 5, Chronic Pain: Body-Mind Considerations for Hands-On Work

A radical revision of conventional ideas about pain is currently underway. Innovative researchers are suggesting that pain has even more to do with context, expectations, and other "mental" factors than previously thought. Of course, philosophers, mystics, and yogis have said this for years. So, is pain all in the head? And, even more to the point, what can manual therapy practitioners learn and do to help our clients with ongoing pain?

Body-Mind: Topic 6, Trauma: Body-Mind Considerations for Hands-on Work

Our understanding of the mechanisms and effects of trauma have increased tremendously in the last 20 years. What do hands-on therapists need to know about the body and brain's response to trauma? From mild everyday overwhelm, to physical and psychological trauma, to full-on PTSD, we'll examine ways we can make sure our work is helpful to those who have experienced some kind of trauma or traumatic event.

Til Luchau writes Massage & Bodywork magazine's Myofascial Techniques column, and is author of the best-selling Advanced Myofascial Techniques textbook. He is a Certified Advanced Rolfer and lead instructor at, which offers distance learning and in-person seminars throughout the United States and abroad. For more information, please visit
