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Autumn 2017 Issue of Body Sense Magazine Available


The newest issue of ABMP’s award-winning magazine Body Sense is available for members to share with clients. The client-education publication is designed to educate consumers on the lasting benefits of frequent massage and bodywork and the value of good stress management.
The issue, available at, includes the following features:
·         "Constant, Fluid Contact": Have you ever wondered why a session with certain massage therapists stands out as exceptional? We’ve got the answer!
·         "Heeding Our Inner Healer": Discover the body’s intelligence and language as we explore our own power to heal.
·         "3 Exercises to Increase Self-Awareness": Movement and body awareness offer great pathways to tap into our best physical selves.
Body Sense blends features on a variety of massage therapy modalities with tips for healthy living. Readers emerge with a better understanding of bodywork, inspired to book another session. The Body Sense philosophy considers massage therapy an integral facet of a healthy lifestyle, not just an indulgence. It is offered quarterly as a benefit of ABMP membership.
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