Are you using your voicemail in a professional manner? Is your voicemail always full, allowing no one else to get through? Do you even have a voicemail message, or is there just a lonely “beep”? Having made thousands of calls to practitioners over the years and often hearing no professional connection to their practices, co-hosts Kristin Coverly and Darren Buford discuss why having a professional voicemail message is the gateway to your business. Has there ever been such low-hanging fruit to improving your practice in under five minutes?
Brandon, John. “Voicemail is Now Officially Dead. Here’s What Killed It.” Inc. January 12, 2018. www.inc.com/john-brandon/voicemail-is-now-officially-dead-heres-what-killed-it.html.
McClain, Colleen. “Most Americans Don’t Answer Cellphone Calls from Unknown Numbers.” Pew Research. December 14, 2020. www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2020/12/14/most-americans-dont-answer-cellphone-calls-from-unknown-numbers.

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