Virginia Bill Proposes Mandatory Licensure for Massage Therapists

HB 562, introduced in the Virginia legislature this session, proposes to change Virginia's massage therapy regulation system from certification, also known as "title protection," to mandatory licensure. Under the current certification system, any person who claims to be a massage therapist, or uses any title or designation tending to imply that he or she is a massage therapist, must obtain the state massage therapy certification. HB 562, by contrast, would require that any person who engages in massage therapy, or holds him or herself out as engaging in massage therapy, must hold a state massage license. A similar proposal was introduced in 2012 but did not pass.

"Massage therapy" is defined in the bill as "the treatment of soft tissues for therapeutic purposes by the application of massage and bodywork techniques based on the manipulation or application of pressure to the muscular structure or soft tissues of the human body." No license would be required for a practitioner of the healing arts who "provides stroking of the hands, feet, or ears or the use of touch, words, and directed movement including healing touch, therapeutic touch, mind-body centering, orthobionomy, traeger therapy, reflexology, polarity therapy, reiki, qigong, muscle activation techniques, or practices with the primary purpose of affecting energy systems of the human body."

Thus, HB 562 says that if you practice massage therapy, as that term is defined in the bill, and do not fall under an exception, then you must have the license, no matter what you're calling yourself. 

Under the bill, anyone who holds a Virginia massage certification prior to July 1, 2017 would automatically receive the Virginia license.  

If passed, the law would become effective on July 1, 2017. The requirements for licensure would remain the same as they have been for certification: 500 hours of massage education plus passage of the MBLEx exam. 

We will keep you updated on the status of HB 562.


New Massage Board Created in Alabama

On May 15, 2024, Governor Kay Ivey signed into law Senate Bill 137, terminating the Alabama Board of Massage Therapy and its functions to create the new Alabama Massage Therapy Licensing Board. Learn key takeaways from the bill and how its passage may affect you.

Tennessee Regulatory Update

Tennessee massage therapy education requirements increased from 500 hours to 650. ABMP would like to share an update to explain how that change came about and give some overdue credit to those who made it happen.

Alabama Board in Jeopardy of Dissolution

Without your support, the Alabama massage therapy profession is in danger of losing its regulatory board, which could result in inconsistent regulation or none at all. Call Governor Kay Ivey to encourage the passage of Senate Bill 137 to protect massage regulation.



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