Neural Pathway for the Sensation of Pleasant Touch Identified

Scientists at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri, identified a neural circuit and neuropeptide in mice that transmits the sensation of pleasant touch from the skin to the brain.

The neural pathway for pleasant touch works in a similar manner to those that transmit itching or pain sensations. Researchers were able to identify and isolate the pleasant touch neural pathway in mice by devising an experiment where mice were able to choose between a chamber where they received pleasant brushing or one where they received no stimulus of any kind. The mice preferred the chamber where they would be brushed. Scientists found that a certain neuropeptide, prokinecticin 2, was responsible for transmitting the sensation of pleasant touch, and that mice bred without the neuropeptide were unable to sense pleasant touch but reacted normally to itchy, painful, or other stimuli.

Principal investigator Zhou-Feng Chen, PhD, director of the Center for the Study of Itch & Sensory Disorders at Washington University, says the findings are “important, because now that we know which neuropeptide and receptor transmit only pleasant touch sensations, it may be possible to enhance pleasant touch signals without interfering with other circuits, which is crucial because pleasant touch boosts several hormones in the brain that are essential for social interactions and mental health.”

The study was published in the journal Science. Read the abstract at 10.1126/science.abn2479.



West Virginia Bill Impacts Massage Establishments

Senate Bill 786 impacts massage establishment licensing, emergency suspension orders, and inspections. ABMP details how the bill may affect you and your business in this legislative web post.

Tennessee Increases Minimum Education Hours

On April 16, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee signed into law House Bill 1610 and Senate Bill 1588, increasing the minimum massage curriculum hours that an applicant for massage licensure must complete at an approved school for massage, bodywork, or somatic therapy to be eligible for licensure under the Massage Licensure Act. Find out the new state minimum requirement.

Alaska Massage Board Remains Independent and Autonomous

Executive Order No. 129 sought to dissolve the Alaska Board of Massage Therapists and transfer its functions to the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development (DCCED). The executive order was successfully overturned.


Avoid Pulling Clients' Hair

Massage therapy students practicing in a classroom.

It’s the finer details that matter in a massage therapy session, and unintentional hair pulling is a detail that carries more weight than you might think.


Podcast: Cancer, Clots, and COVID—A Complicated Client

A client was recently treated for colon cancer—and it didn’t go well. She had surgical complications, a bout of sepsis, and more. Is massage therapy safe? We discuss on this episode of “I Have a Client Who . . .” Pathology Conversations with Ruth Werner.

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