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Where Have You Been?





I have been AWOL from my blog post for several weeks. Why? Travel, other stuff, the dog ate my laptop, the usual.


If you were my clients, I would be pretty lonely right now, because I haven’t touched base regularly enough. And you know what? I would deserve it.


We are all busy—having a life, managing to get through each day, getting stuff done. But we also need to be prospecting. You can’t assume those clients will come through your door forever. That’s why pro sports teams have scouts—the all-stars get older and retire. Your A1 client might get transferred. Who will step up and take their place? Well, compadre, that’s up to you to figure out. Is your client base right where you want it today? Then time to make sure it stays that way.


The good news? I actually have been busy, and I’m starting running again, and I have some cool stuff I want to share, but it’s not quite ready to come out of the oven. So you’ll have to sit tight for a bit longer. But don’t worry, I won’t forget you—I never do. I just need to tell you that. Just like you need to tell your clients.


Talk to you soon(er).
