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What's in Your Wallet?



Two of my favorite entertainers—Jimmy Fallon and Alec Baldwin—are now shilling for Capital One credit cards. Not an inspired choice of products to endorse, in my view, but nevertheless they are funny commercials. And of course, Capital One and its marketing team deserve credit for creating one of the more memorable tag lines (which I appropriated for my title this week) of the past few years.


The other day I heard one of those commercials for the 39th time while doing the dishes, and a thought occurred to me—what is in my wallet? A few credit/bank cards, driver’s license, medical ID/insurance card, a little bit of cash. I don’t even keep a real wallet—I’m a clip guy.


So naturally, as I finished loading the dishwasher, my thoughts turned to our members—what’s in their wallets? As mentioned regularly, I am a sideline massage therapist—a big supporter (and user) of massage, but not “in the game” like the rest of you. My client list consists of people with the last name of Sweeney. So my train of thought turned to, “what should be in your wallet, Massage and Bodywork Professional?”


Now I am taking writer’s license here (hey, it’s my blog), and interpreting the term wallet to mean, “what is on your person as you travel through your day.”


  • Business cards—interested in building your practice? You better have enough in stock to hand out 50 a month. If you’re not doing this, I am officially disappointed in you.
  • Chewing gum—I will also accept mints here. Grabbing a quick lunch between sessions? Don’t make red onions part of your treatment plan.
  • Contact information for your health care “team”—if in doubt, refer out. To do so, be informed and ready to share important contact info for professionals who know you and you trust. Clients may not have all the answers, and will appreciate your guidance to find a solution.
  • Emergency ID information—I’m sounding like my mom here, but does someone know where you are right now?
  • A phone—continuing on the mom theme but: your phone can be a really handy business management tool (the only time I don’t have mine on me is when I’m sleeping). Can you access your e-mail or calendar 24/7? You may need to during the day. Plus between clients you might want to watch this (or this). Or maybe this.
  • A referral card—do you have a system to reward referrals from your existing clients? If not, do it. Now. I’m not kidding. I’m waiting … okay, we’ll build this in the next blog. You’re off the hook for now.
  • ABMP membership info—hey, you never know when you might need a discount on legal guidance, Crocs, or a rental car. Just sayin’.


What else?



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