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Productive Use of Time


One of the challenges of my job is managing my meeting time. I've been fortunate enough to progress in my career such that I increasingly have more responsibility. As a result, the time spent in meetings seems to increase exponentially. Somehow over time I have become a "meeter" rather than a "doer." In many ways this reality frustrates me. I started my professional career as a doer, and my ability to get things done has helped me progress, but now I don't get to "do" as much.

All of us are multitaskers. We wear numerous hats during the day-employee, employer, mom, dad, teammate, friend, spouse, gardener, maintenance worker, plumber…the list seems endless!

How do you keep up? For me, I need a list. I am continuously searching for a system that protects me from myself-from distraction, procrastination, and preoccupation.

My solutions rely on technology. I understand though that many of us aren't big fans of technology. For instance, my wife uses it, but doesn't particularly enjoy it. I have found gadgets and software that enable me to productively get things done, and as a result, enjoy my "free " time (a great concept, but not sure if it truly exists). These days, it seems the only thing I don't schedule is a trip to the restroom.

As massage and bodywork professionals, we get to "do"; the nature of our work is "doing." And as independently practicing professionals (even those of us who are employees), we need to manage our time diligently.

For me, an iPhone, calendar software, address book, and e-mail account comprise the bulk of my time and project management tools.

How about you?
