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Massage: Pass it On!


Giving of the heart; it’s what you do every day as you serve your clients. It’s what makes you unique, what makes you special.

Your clients reap the benefits of your heart-centered work. How about you take that gift of giving and translate it to the broader community? EveryBody Deserves a Massage Week (EBDMW) is a venue for you to do just that.

Held annually since 1995, EBDMW is a weeklong event that focuses on sharing the message of massage. By lending your hands to this event, you help educate the public about the value of therapeutic massage, why it is beneficial, and what it can do to relieve pain and stress. Even more importantly, you’ll simply be doing good work.

Over the years, ABMP members have organized events both big and small for EBDMW. Whether it be collecting canned goods for the local food bank, donating a percentage of the week’s earnings to a favorite charity, giving free chair massage to first-responders at a local fire station, or volunteering time at a community race, the possibilities for how you can participate are endless.

Start by asking yourself what issues are important to you. Would you like to raise money for the nearby animal shelter or raise awareness about homeless issues in your community? Maybe you just want to say thank you with the gift of chair massage to those who help others: hospice workers, Red Cross volunteers, ER nurses, etc. Find something you’re passionate about and then build a list of ideas about how you can benefit that cause during EBDMW.

And, ABMP has the tools to help your efforts be successful: banners, press releases, and videos, as well as customizable coupons, posters, and postcards.

Remember, sharing your work with others not only fills your heart, it’s good for your practice, too. Want to read more about how charitable actions can benefit your business? Click here.

Want to know more about EBDMW? Need some ideas on what to do? Start here.

Watch this video to get you started:

Then, let us know what you’ve planned by writing us at We love to hear about all the good work you’re doing.

Massage—it’s a great thing to pass along!

—Karrie Osborn is senior editor at ABMP.
