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The Kindness Quotient


Treat each moment with clients with the care that this McDonald’s employee gave his customer

A sweet, little story caught my attention this week. It reminded me of the impact of human kindness and the importance of the little things we do in life.

Maybe you heard the story. A Chicago woman recounted the scene on her Facebook page after witnessing a McDonald’s employee close down his register during a busy rush hour service to go assist a wheelchair-bound customer who had asked for help cutting his food. It was a simple, selfless gesture that has gone viral with its appeal.

It was one person, and it was one moment, but it was an act that touched a lot of people’s lives. I know it made my heart “smile” as I read the story.

How can we be that one person? How can we create an impact in someone else’s day, if even in the smallest way? Honestly, as massage therapists and bodyworkers, you do it every time someone gets on your table (or chair). You might share the only kindness someone has witnessed all day. Your touch might offer the only heartfelt gesture they’ve experienced all week. Your hand on their shoulder might be the only reassurance they’ve felt in months.

There’s no telling how your touch and your service can affect another. Never turn away. Treat each moment with clients with the care and kindness that this one McDonald’s employee gave his customer—you never know the impact you might have!

—Karrie Osborn, Senior Editor

Acts of Kindness

Remember that ROI (return on investment) does not always need to be about money. The ROI on kindness is a fulfilled spirit—and that’s priceless. How can you impact another with kindness?

• Is it quietly gifting extra session time to an exhausted caregiver who can’t afford to pay for longer massage sessions?

• Is it donating your safe and healthy touch to a woman’s shelter?

• Is it simply being as present and focused as you can possibly be for each and every client?

