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Happy 2013! It took me a while to be able to say that to you. When we last visited, I explained how I was under the weather. I didn’t realize how rough that weather was—it took me a long time to get out from under the cloud. My holiday season started with a variant of the flu, which then turned into pneumonia. The sum total of this was a few sick days, as well as 30 days off my Boston Marathon training regimen.


I am 90+% recovered (see my mug above after today’s resumption of training runs). As I began feeling better this last week, I recalled what feeling better feels like.


I used this example in a conversation the other day: when you’re sick, (in most cases, thankfully) you know you’ll get better; the hard part is when you’re in the middle of being sick, you can’t imagine feeling better. And you can’t remember what healthy feels like.


This can apply to your practice and your career as well: when you’re in the middle of “it”—and “it” is a challenge, a slump, a healing crisis, you name the hurdle—there seems to be no end in sight. But there is always another day, another chapter, and another opportunity.


Keep plugging. We’ll all get there.



Road to Boston: Week 14


I ran 8½ miles on December 15, and didn’t run again until today. Today’s was much shorter, but it felt good to be back out there. Back on schedule, with lots of work to do.

And, I need your support. Click here to donate to the cause!


Prefer to receive more from Les in small doses? Follow him on Twitter — @abmp_les.
