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Happy Holiday!


Photo on 4-17-14 at 9.15 AM


Today is one of my favorite days of the year—National High Five Day (seriously). This glorious day was started in 2002 at the University of Virginia, my beloved alma mater. And it’s not awesome just because it started at UVa (full disclosure: I probably wouldn’t celebrate it if it came from Duke). It’s awesome because it celebrates something. Something. Something as simple as the good ol’ high five.


What is a high five? It’s an act of camaraderie! In one swift move we share happiness, joy, and solidarity with another human being. What’s more important to celebrate than that?


Celebrate your clients today. Celebrate your spouse. Celebrate your freedom, your friends, Mexican food, your dog, music, your awesome association—whatever moves you.


National High Five Day seems whimsical, but it gets at why we do what we do. To share the love.


So share it.


High Five!
