
Pennsylvania Legislative Survey Results A bill seeking the state licensure of massage therapists has been attempted for the past several years in Pennsylvania. Although no bill has been attempted so far in 2007, ABMP has been seeking feedback so that we will best represent our members if one is introduced in the future. In August 2007, ABMP e-mailed a legislative survey to 2181 Pennsylvania members; as of October 11, 2007, 24% were returned. Thank you to those who responded to the survey. Eighty-one percent of respondents reported that their entry-level massage program was at least 500 hours, twenty-four percent are nationally certified by the National Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork. Fifty-seven percent support state licensing, 29% believe that licensing is not needed, and 13% are undecided. Almost half of the respondents had additional comments to share. ABMP will continue to review those comments. Not surprising, the licensing issue is an emotional issue for many, whether they are strongly in support of licensing or strongly against licensing. Some general concerns and misconceptions about licensing can be addressed now.
  • If the state adopts regulation, it does not mean all massage therapists will have to accept health insurance. Accepting insurance will continue to be a personal business decision.
  • For massage therapists who choose to accept insurance, having a state license will not mean the insurance companies will have to recognize you as a licensed provider. Licensing would take away one excuse that insurance companies use to not pay a claim.
  • The fee’s charged for massage services would also continue to be a personal business decision.
  • ABMP would not support a bill that does not contain a grandfathering provision for existing practitioners.
  • Licensing would not rid the state of prostitution but would provide another tool for law enforcement to use to distinguish legitimate massage therapists from those hijacking the term.
ABMP will keep members informed if/when legislation is introduced.