Recent News and Legislative Updates

Rhode Island COVID-19 State Update—Permission to Practice June 1, 2020

RE: Information regarding your state's back-to-practice permission date and safety guidelines to minimize risk of exposure to, and spread of, COVID-19 in the workplace.

Permission to Practice June 1, 2020

Personal services, including barbershops, salons, and businesses providing braiding, nail care, waxing, and massage therapy, may reopen June 1, 2020, in Phase 2 of Reopening RI: Navigating Our Way

California COVID-19 State Update for Massage Therapists

RE: Information regarding your state's back-to-practice permission date and safety guidelines to minimize risk of exposure to, and spread of, COVID-19 in the workplace.

There has been confusion and conjecture about when massage therapists and licensed beauty professionals (including estheticians, cosmetologists, barbers, nail professionals, and electrologists) may resume business operations in California. Following is the latest information.
