Knead to Know

By Scott Kaniewski
[Knead to Know]

Researcher Discovers Soleus Muscle Promotes Glucose and Fat Burning 

With the average American sitting about 10 hours a day, University of Houston researcher Marc Hamilton may have discovered a way to elevate muscle metabolism without much effort. Hamilton’s research found that when activated properly, the soleus muscle in the calf—which makes up 1 percent of your body weight—could effectively elevate muscle metabolism for hours, even while sitting. 

Hamilton’s work focused on the “soleus pushup”—a movement that aims to “shorten the calf muscle while the soleus is naturally activated by its motor neurons.” While the movement seems simple, Hamilton advises that it’s actually a very specific movement that currently requires wearable technology and experience to be done correctly for maximum effect. 

Published in iScience, Hamilton’s research suggests the soleus pushup’s ability to sustain an elevated oxidative metabolism to improve the regulation of blood glucose is more effective than any popular methods touted as a solution, including exercise, weight loss, and intermittent fasting. 

“These results indicate that the human soleus muscle is capable of raising, and sustaining for hours, the local rate of oxidative metabolism to high levels,” the research stated. 

With many Americans living with muscle metabolism that’s too low because of inactivity, Hamilton says the discovery could be a solution to a variety of health problems caused by inactivity. 

Read the full study at

“Cornerstones: The ABMP Instructor Development Program”

The ABMP Podcast

The bodywork community is full of passionate instructors possessing caring hearts and expert hands-on skills who give their all to students. But so many are often trained in the “trial by fire” method. In this episode of The ABMP Podcast, Kristin and Darren speak with ABMP Chairman Bob Benson about his motivation for creating Cornerstones, why there was a need for this type of program in massage education, and why he was commited to creating this resource for the profession.

ABMP’s Angie Parris-Raney Featured in Authority Magazine 


Angie Parris-Raney, the advertising director at Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals, was featured in a recent interview with Authority magazine. Parris-Raney, a licensed massage therapist, discussed everything from her massage origin story to some of the challenges facing the wellness profession.   

Read the full interview at 




StarFace Exerssage is a facial yoga, slow-motion movement, and self-massage technique integrated with breathing to release jaw and facial tension. It consists of 24 cranial facial yoga postures and a series of rhythmic contouring and acupressure pulsing massage movements. Connections are made to the vital organs with sound and intention.  

Arismendez, Warren Elected to FSMTB Board of Directors 

Mike Arismendez and Keith Warren were elected to serve three-year terms on the Board of Directors for the Federation of State Massage Therapy Boards (FSMTB) at the 17th annual meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina, in October. Arismendez is the executive director of the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation; Warren is the executive director of the Alabama Board of Massage Therapy. Craig Knowles (Georgia Board of Massage Therapy) was re-elected as president, Sandy Anderson (Nevada State Board of Massage Therapy) was elected vice president, and Warren was elected treasurer. 

Read more about the recent FSMTB elections or to view the complete Board, visit