Medical Intuition

Making it Work for You

By Cyndi Dale
[Energy Work]

Because of the possibilities and complications of medical intuition, I’m devoting this entire column to the subject. After examining the history and practice of medical intuition, I’ll explain how it works, examine the four main styles of medical intuition, and offer several guidelines for those considering the intuitive side of medicine.

First, what is medical intuition? I define it as the application of intuition to assess the factors potentially causing a client’s medically apparent issues. Medical challenges might show up as physical conditions but also as emotional, mental, or spiritual hardships. In summary, medical intuition involves using intuition to help someone heal.

The term has gone viral because of Caroline Myss, who burst onto the healing scene years ago. At the time, she was employing her intuitive faculties to diagnose disease processes while assisting Norm Shealy, a physician. Since then, Myss has become an internationally renowned author and speaker on human consciousness and spiritual healing. Her work as a medical intuitive, however, kicked off an ever-burgeoning interest in the subject.

The explosive awareness of medical intuition could lead us to believe that the practice is somewhat new. It’s not. One of the most famous medical intuitives of recent times was Edgar Cayce, who died in 1945. Known as a medical clairvoyant, Cayce analyzed psychic visions to detect the causes of his clients’ challenges and prescribe treatments. Cayce assisted thousands of seekers in his 40 years of practice.

Thousands of other modern mystics could be added to this list, but the truth is that this extrasensory ability is age-old and worldwide. In fact, shamans and healers in most ancient cultures exercised their intuition for medicinal purposes and many of their contemporary equivalents are doing the same. For example, the Kallawaya female healers from Bolivia and nearby countries have always, and still do, consult with invisible spirits or deceased ancestors before employing up to 600 herbs to treat various disorders. The shamans among the sub-Saharan !Kung people encircle the sick and dance around them while spirits provide visions and advice, also helping them battle negative energies.

How might I explain the longevity and effectiveness of medical intuition? Scientifically, the process is viable because everything is made of energy, which is information that moves. That which appears materially, however, from a tumor to an inflamed bodily area, is programmed by subtle or psychic energies, which operate as the latticework for physically apparent energies. What’s the key to peering into or transforming the subtle world?


Hold on, though! Before you willy-nilly apply your intuition to client work, it’s important to acknowledge that subtle energies are slippery little fellows. Akin to quanta—the smallest bits of energy in the universe—subtle energies aren’t fixed in time and space. That means a medical intuitive might detect subtle energetic patterns from the past or the present, maybe even from the future. Try as you might, it’s not always easy to locate a psychic message on the time-space continuum. It can also be hard to distinguish an intuitive flash from a fear, fantasy, or fleeting bit of fancy.

There are two main ways to deal with these and additional complications. One is to understand the four main types of intuition. The other is to adopt strict intuitive protocols. I’ll cover both topics.

Basically, there are four varieties of intuition. You might tap into only one style during a session or up to all four. These are as follows.

Visual Intuition

Visual intuition is the ability to perceive subtle energies as psychic images or as sights seen through the physical eyes. In your mind’s eye (or even with your normal eyes), an intuitive picture might be colorful, black and white, metaphorical, or literal. It might illuminate during your nightly or day dreams and be summoned or appear spontaneously. External visions are often environmental in nature, perhaps appearing as images or words on a billboard or license plate.

What might the visually gifted perceive when performing medical intuition? Examples include the event or person causing a client’s hardship, a problematic microbe or belief, a possible conclusion to an illness, an image of the source or location of a pain, or the best approach to delivering a healing.

Verbal Intuition

Verbal intuition is verbal information that comes through the inner or regular ears and contains a psychic message. A verbal intuitive might internally hear a voice, sound, song, or statement, or open their mouths and simply share pertinent information. They might also overhear a conversation or remember a prior discussion and gain an insight. Verbally medical intuitives can hear a spiritual guide’s voice that pinpoints the cause or location of a problem, and maybe even the solution, or find themselves conversationally doling out relevant data.

Physically Empathic Intuition

Physical empaths register pleasant or unpleasant sensations that mirror what is occurring in another’s body. They can also sense whether a specific treatment might be effective. Besides being physically sensitive, they can also relate to another’s emotions, thoughts, or perspectives, or the psychological causes of a malady. Some physical empaths can even clear a client’s issues in their own body before transferring in healing energy.

Spiritually Empathic Intuition

Spiritual empaths are dialed into the Divine and their client’s divinity. Any and all types of information can be provided through this means. Most frequently, I use it to provide my clients with inspiration and hope.

I insist on the need for carefulness, though, especially when traipsing into the therapeutic arena. We might completely miss a problem or its cause; misinterpret what we psychically sense; or as already intimated, be off with our timing.

Because of all the ins and outs of medical intuition, I suggest you use the following safety guidelines when using your intuitive faculties during a session.

Request permission. Before checking in intuitively or sharing received intuitive data, ask your client if they want your insights. If they do, remember that you are human and so is your client. State aloud that you are merely disclosing perceptions, which might be accurate or inaccurate.

Refer to professionals. After sharing intuitive understandings, suggest that the client follow up with the appropriate professional to either test the insight’s accuracy or to work on the related issue. For instance, if I have intuitively heard that a specific herb would be beneficial, I would say, “I’m hearing this herb might help you. I recommend that you see an herbalist or naturopath to check it out.” 

Emphasize energetic descriptions. Describe exactly how you are receiving the information. The way the data is provided might hold specific meaning for the client.

How do you distinguish between styles of intuition? Images are easy to depict; simply say what you are seeing. You can introduce a verbal comprehension with phrases like these: “This is what I’m hearing,” or, “This is what a guide is saying.” Empathically received sensations can be imparted with exactness too. For instance, I might say, “My shoulder suddenly feels sore. Have you experienced the same?” Or maybe I can track a pain to a certain body area. I might then suggest, “I’m feeling the pain move from my elbow to the shoulder. Could your shoulder be the true source of your problem?” Spiritual awareness can be communicated literally. Do you have a strong sense that your client’s problems are due to being off purpose? Say it! “I wonder if you are feeling lost in regard to your life goals. What do you think?”

Quote your source. If you can determine the source of your intuitive data, be clear. If I sense the Divine’s presence or if my own mind comes up with something, I’ll distinguish these sources from each other. If my own body is giving me an inkling, I’ll announce it.

Understand timing. As stated, when operating intuitively, information can relate to the past, present, and possible futures. Because of this, keep your statement vague as to the “when” of an awareness by being honest. Let’s say you psychically envision a microbe floating in your client’s bloodstream. You might say, “I’m seeing an image of a microbe. It could be that your current problem is caused by a long-ago microbe or even by a current one; then again, maybe your immune system is so depressed you could easily catch an infection.”

In the end, remember that intuition is available to all of us. You might provide your client applicable insights—or they might even get their own through your work. Stay within the guidelines and intuition can be of great benefit.