ABMP BizFit Tip

By staff

Client Rebooking Made Easy
Want clients to rebook? Then ask.
Before your client leaves your office, and while she is still basking in the glow of the amazing massage or bodywork you’ve just delivered, ask if she would like to schedule her next appointment. It’s really that easy.
If she doesn't know her schedule, you can suggest a few appointment times to consider, offer to send her an email or text reminder, or suggest you give her a call once she’s had a chance to check the calendar.
Don’t be discouraged if she can’t rebook at that moment, but don’t let the opportunity slip away, either. Some therapists claim that implementing this practice has increased business twofold.
Want more client rebooking tips? Log in to www.abmp.com and check out the “Booking Repeat Business Toolkit” under “Marketing Center.”