Finding Our Voices

By Darren Buford
[Editor's Note]

I have a friend who desperately wants to overcome her inability to speak up for herself. She’s not shy, per se; she just describes herself as unable to find her voice; namely, her desire not to disrupt.
Now, I’m a Southerner by birth, and it’s inherent in my DNA to be polite, so I identify with my friend’s plight. I don’t want to be seen as being uncooperative either. I mean, why upset the apple cart?
When it comes to receiving massage, I’ve discovered that my practitioner wants my feedback. So I’ve learned to shed my sometimes shy ways. Don’t worry, I’m still considerate, but I know my feedback helps her or him prepare for the bodywork session, to adjust midsession, and to, most importantly, give me the massage I want and paid for.
If you’re anything like me, you’ll enjoy Cindy Williams’s article this issue titled “3 Secrets to Getting a Better Massage.” In it, she describes the importance of establishing a massage environment where feedback is comfortable to give and receive.
I know that speaking up can be difficult, but the success of your massage depends on your actions. Start by taking Cindy’s advice and together you and your practitioner will craft your best massage experience ever.