ABMP Partners with DreamSpring to Offer Small Business Support for Members

To help members find the financial support and resources they need for their businesses, Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (ABMP) has partnered with DreamSpring, an award-winning nonprofit Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) that increases access to credit, makes loans, and provides support for entrepreneurs.

“We’re proud to partner with DreamSpring and offer their array of support to our members,” says Les Sweeney, president of ABMP. “Their mission and services provide resources and support for entrepreneurs who don’t typically fit a traditional lending profile and open doors that may otherwise feel out of reach. Many of our members hope to start their own practice someday or grow their businesses to a more sustainable level. This partnership allows those dreams to become a reality.”

The partnership between ABMP and DreamSpring is designed to connect wellness and beauty professionals with the capital they need to fund their businesses, while building credit and expanding business networks along the way. ABMP’s members can access these resources and support through a portal on the DreamSpring website.

“ABMP, and its sister associations, are ideal partners in empowering bodywork, massage, esthetician, and hair professionals to unleash their potential,” says Anne Haines, president and CEO of DreamSpring. “Together, we’re building an ecosystem of accessible capital and small business support so that wellness and beauty professionals can shape their futures, nurture their clients, and vitalize their communities.”

Products available to ABMP members include a pre-approved Power Line of Credit (a fixed-rate, 24-month revolving line of credit) with special terms for ABMP members, as well as a variety of small business loans. Applications can be completed online or with in-person support from lenders who are experienced in navigating diverse financial realities.

ABMP members can access this newest member benefit on their Discounts page.



New Massage Board Created in Alabama

On May 15, 2024, Governor Kay Ivey signed into law Senate Bill 137, terminating the Alabama Board of Massage Therapy and its functions to create the new Alabama Massage Therapy Licensing Board. Learn key takeaways from the bill and how its passage may affect you.

Tennessee Regulatory Update

Tennessee massage therapy education requirements increased from 500 hours to 650. ABMP would like to share an update to explain how that change came about and give some overdue credit to those who made it happen.

Alabama Board in Jeopardy of Dissolution

Without your support, the Alabama massage therapy profession is in danger of losing its regulatory board, which could result in inconsistent regulation or none at all. Call Governor Kay Ivey to encourage the passage of Senate Bill 137 to protect massage regulation.



Featured ABMP Discount Partner: Milady

Raise awareness of domestic abuse, human trafficking, and practical infection control by getting certified in Client Well-Being & Safety through this Milady course.

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