LMT Success Group Can Help Build an MT's Career

LMT Success Group

The following blog is sponsored by the LMT Success Group.

What is the LMT Success Group? The LMT Success Group specializes in providing cutting-edge education to success-minded massage therapists. We focus on modalities that will maximize a massage therapist’s income while conserving their efforts, leading to a lengthy, lucrative, and immensely satisfying massage career.

What are some of the most popular specialty classes offered by LMT Success Group, and why are they so popular? Without question, the most popular classes we teach are the ones we include in our “education vacation” programs. We teach these classes in desirable destination locations such as Orlando, Las Vegas, Costa Rica, or on luxury cruise ships. Our students love the idea of combining massage education with a vacation. For these events, we add opportunities to explore the area they are visiting, add fun social functions to the program, or, in many cases, both!

What is the Medical Massage Program? Medical massage does not refer to any specific technique but instead refers to a different approach to a massage practice. In a pure medical massage practice, all your customers are referred by physicians, with insurance billing as the primary income source. Most of our graduates, however, elect to develop a hybrid practice that focuses on injury rehabilitation and posture correction but includes a mixture of cash payers and insurance work.

How would LMT Success Group classes benefit an experienced massage therapist? Most studies indicate that massage therapists generally have short careers. This is usually caused by low earnings (not busy enough) or burnout (too busy!). By emphasizing the need to work smarter, not harder, our classes help massage therapists achieve a balance that allows them to earn a great living while extending their careers. The result is a long, satisfying massage career where you can help many more people. 

Learn more at LMT Success Group.



New Massage Board Created in Alabama

On May 15, 2024, Governor Kay Ivey signed into law Senate Bill 137, terminating the Alabama Board of Massage Therapy and its functions to create the new Alabama Massage Therapy Licensing Board. Learn key takeaways from the bill and how its passage may affect you.

Tennessee Regulatory Update

Tennessee massage therapy education requirements increased from 500 hours to 650. ABMP would like to share an update to explain how that change came about and give some overdue credit to those who made it happen.

Alabama Board in Jeopardy of Dissolution

Without your support, the Alabama massage therapy profession is in danger of losing its regulatory board, which could result in inconsistent regulation or none at all. Call Governor Kay Ivey to encourage the passage of Senate Bill 137 to protect massage regulation.



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