These Are the Good Times People

Those who on occasion read this blog know I love music. It’s a consistent theme in my life—primarily listening, but on occasion playing in a band with my friends The Traveling Pillsburys. One of my favorite bands is called the Presidents of the United States of America. Quirky, funny, and always entertaining, “The Presidents” never disappoint. My high-school age sons and I made a trip to Seattle in February to see the Presidents’ only show of the year (appropriately, on Presidents’ weekend). So much fun; the crowd ranged from 2-year-olds to folks in their 60s. Their last album was called “These are the Good Times People.” When asked about the title, one of the band members said it came from lead singer and guiding force Chris Ballew, who during various points of discomfort or frustration during the band’s tenure would remind the others, “Hey, these are the good times people.” These ARE the good times, people, in the massage and bodywork field—lots of discussions about what the future holds and which organizations are poised to make positive contributions. My answer to the latter question is: all of us. We all have the opportunity and obligation to make positive contributions. And I think we all will. We have different opinions on how to move forward, but the good news is we’re open and willing to work together to the benefit of our profession. Demand for massage and bodywork services is increasing; it’s a good time to be a qualified, motivated practitioner. Employers are in need for massage therapists! Acceptance of our work is at an all-time high. We key organizations are working together more closely than any other time during my 16+ years in the field. There are lots of things to wring our hands about—climate change, natural disasters, a slow-growing economy, the Stanley Cup playoffs. But we have lots to feel good about in our chosen profession. These are the good times, people.


Alabama Board in Jeopardy of Dissolution

Without your support, the Alabama massage therapy profession is in danger of losing its regulatory board, which could result in inconsistent regulation or none at all. Call Governor Key Ivey to encourage the passage of Senate Bill 137 to protect massage regulation.

Georgia Bill Updates Human Trafficking Laws

Senate Bill 370 was enacted in late April to help prevent human trafficking at businesses and implement license display obligations. See how your business is affected.

West Virginia Bill Impacts Massage Establishments

Senate Bill 786 impacts massage establishment licensing, emergency suspension orders, and inspections. ABMP details how the bill may affect you and your business in this legislative web post.



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