Embrace your Inner Nerd

School’s out for summer! What does this mean for you? Are you a mom, thinking, “What am I going to do with these kids all summer?” Or a student saying, “Yippee!”? What if you’re a massage or bodywork therapist? What will summer mean to you and your practice? Consider these facts:
  • Clients crouching in their garden and/or lifting plants and fertilizer;
  • Weekend warriors (like yours truly) running or biking too far, too fast;
  • Shorts-wearers recognizing they need to take better care of their bodies.
How will you provide opportunities for relief and support for those audiences? And have you looked into your own mirror lately? How fit is your business? Q: What tool does nearly every business you connect with have? A: A website. Do you? If not, I have a question for you—WHY NOT? Unless you are incapable of operating a computer (if you were, you probably wouldn’t be reading this), you do not have an excuse. ABMP members get a free website, and it comes with a user-friendly builder so it’s incredibly easy for you to build your own corner in cyberspace. You can also get a sweet 40% discount on the Full Slate scheduling program. And accept credit cards through your smartphone with Intuit GoPayment. I can’t say this any more clearly: YOUR JOB IS TO MAKE IT EASY FOR PEOPLE TO DO BUSINESS WITH YOU. Some companies do that really well. Ever been to an Apple Store? It is a piece of cake to drop a thousand bucks. Friendly, simple, quick, efficient. You leave thinking, “What just happened?” Summer’s also a great time to think about your business strategies between now and the end of the year. Have a solid, regular client? Sign ‘em up for the rest of the year. You need them, and they need the bodywork. Win-win. Ladies and gentlemen, Donald Trump is successful in business! Clearly there is opportunity for the rest of us with more admirable qualities. But it takes “gumption,” as my Mom used to say. Go get ‘em. A heartfelt Memorial Day thank you to our veterans and their families, especially to those who made the ultimate sacrifice. And a big Happy Birthday to brother Bo, and to Mom (we miss you).


Alabama Board in Jeopardy of Dissolution

Without your support, the Alabama massage therapy profession is in danger of losing its regulatory board, which could result in inconsistent regulation or none at all. Call Governor Key Ivey to encourage the passage of Senate Bill 137 to protect massage regulation.

Georgia Bill Updates Human Trafficking Laws

Senate Bill 370 was enacted in late April to help prevent human trafficking at businesses and implement license display obligations. See how your business is affected.

West Virginia Bill Impacts Massage Establishments

Senate Bill 786 impacts massage establishment licensing, emergency suspension orders, and inspections. ABMP details how the bill may affect you and your business in this legislative web post.



Featured ABMP Discount Partner: Milady

Raise awareness of domestic abuse, human trafficking, and practical infection control by getting certified in Client Well-Being & Safety through this Milady course.

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