Editor's Note

By Darren Buford
[Editor's Note]

There’s something I’ve wanted to tell you, so let’s just get it out of the way: get a massage in the next year.    
There. I said it. I feel better.
I could write this letter to you—the readers—with the obligatory New Year’s resolution plea. But instead of rattling off an impossible-to-accomplish to-do list for the upcoming year, I want you to know that I’m also a realist.
Stats show that of the 45 percent of us who make a New Year’s resolution (lose weight, get organized, spend less/save more, etc.), only 8 percent will stay the course. This number is most likely so low because we’ve set ourselves up to fail from the get-go. Too lofty a goal. Too nondescript to pin down.
A few years ago, I made a resolution to stop drinking soda for an entire year. I accomplished the feat, but it was tough, tough, tough.
So, that’s why I’m asking you to put one very doable thing on your resolution list this year: get a massage. You already know about its myriad health benefits. Relaxation, check. Pain management, check. All-around awesomeness, check.
Your practitioner and that oh-so-wonderful feeling await your phone call or online booking.
Happy New Year!